Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Giveaway Time

I'm doing another giveaway for the House of Transformation! 

I'll run another international giveaway soon. Stay tuned to be kept in the loop. 

In the meantime, I'm writing on two novels and the non-fiction fire dancing book. You could say I'm pretty busy lately. Thanks for the support, everyone. It means the world to me. 

Friday, March 18, 2016

It is with great joy that I announce my next book: 

Trust Us, We're Fire Dancers!

I've been fire dancing since 2002, and accumulated many stories about my experiences. Some of the stories are funny, some triumphant, and some sentimental. One thing is for sure: Kristl Mapes and I have a lot to say about the subject! She is my co-author for the book, my best friend, and my partner in crime. Err... I mean, uh, stories. 

I'm hoping to have our collected stories and photos published early 2017. In the meantime, I listed the book on Goodreads. You can follow it for invitations to read an advance copy. 

I'm very excited about this new project. I can't wait to see where it leads. If it's anything like my fire dancing career, there's no telling what could happen next! But it will certainly be a fun journey. 

Lots of love!