Sunday, January 15, 2017

Trust Us, We're Fire Dancers: my fire dancing memoir

Photo by Scott Stolsenberg
Many of you know I'm a fire dancer as well as an author. These two passions have recently decided to enflame each other into Trust Us, We're Fire Dancers, or my 'fire dancing memoir.' There's nothing like it out there on the market, and these stories and photos will definitely inspire and uplift. My friend Kristl Chitty is also working on the book with me.

We're happy to announce we have a little preview of the book at Goodreads if you want to see some fabulous photos, our prologue, and one of our stories. Check it out! Let us know what you think, and add it to your 'to-read' shelf if you'd like a free advance copy for an honest review.

We'll be publishing it later this year with photos from amazing photographers and stories about what it's like to whirl fire around your head. Some of the stories are funny, while others are about overcoming obstacles to be the person we wanted to be. We hope all will inspire and uplift.

I'll write more when I have more news. In the meantime, stay warm and keep that inner light burning bright.