Lara was interviewed on WYSO's Book Nook with Vick Mickunas today, and I was thrilled when they mentioned my book House of Transformation. It seems like it was published ages ago, but it was only little more than a year. Time seems to have flied and stood still all at once.
My new book, Belle Dame Sans Merci (to be published March 2017 or so) is coming along, with a little polishing here, a little continuity clean-up on Aisle 6 . . . slowly but surely.
Last night, I shared bits of the storyline with friends last at a hip new lounge with fancy chandeliers and lots of beautiful wood. I sipped ginger mead and rattled off all the strange and beautiful events and characters.
They stopped me at harpies. "Harpies? You even have harpies in it?"
To which I said "YES!"
To say I've always wanted to write a book that had harpies would be an understatement. I've been fascinated with them since I learned about them as a child. Perhaps it's because I'm such an air sign myself, or maybe because there's something so wonderful about women and wings. It just feels right.
In any case, I'm excited to launch this book into the world soon. This Belle has a unique voice and a different take on the Beauty and the Beast theme. It's more a voice for our times. In a strange way, even though I haven't seen Lara for a few years, our books are both about resisting oppressive regimes and characters having the courage to fight back, to live their lives the way they want, not as they are dictated. We need a lot more books like that these days.
Belle Dame Sans Merci is available for pre-order through Amazon.
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