Saturday, July 8, 2017

So many announcements!

Hello friends! In the last month, I've had so many non-writing adventures. I really needed them to even out all those long hours blinking in front of my laptop and the extra work that comes with buying and selling homes. While my time off has been absolutely amazing, it's coming to a close soon for a couple of great reasons...

I decided to start writing a sequel to Belle Dame Sans MerciThis sequel will open with Belle working with Donovan -- they're not killing errant people, rather, they're trying to get the baddies to go toward the light, whether that's turning themselves in, or making up for their past by doing good things in the world.

Of course, it won't be without conflicts -- Heaven isn't the place Belle dreamed of, though being near her family and Jane will ease the discomfort. She's also still quite bad on the karma scale, which is why she's still working. The witches will be around too, dealing with the mess that is Hell now that Lucifer is gone. By the way, I was so happy to hear so many people say the witches were their favorite part of Belle Dame Sans Merci. I love them too, and it wouldn't be a Belle book without the sisterhood.

I don't have a timeline for when the sequel will be complete. It will likely take me longer than a year to publish due to the amount of research I'd like to perform, but I have a general outline in my mind and the ending, of course. I suppose that's the beauty of self-publishing -- I can work on the novel as long as I need.

Another happy announcement -- very soon, I'm going to speak with the ever-awesome Vic Mickunis at WYSO's Book Nook about Belle. I'm ecstatic! He digs deep into the material and asks the best questions about brilliant theories.

In other news, I'm thrilled to announce that I will start writing for the Patheos Pagan blog

Happy squirrel is happy!

I was honored to be asked to write for this website. It's one of the best resources for people who want to get inspiration from others and stay connected to a community of like-minded people. I'm a very spiritual person if you couldn't tell, and draw a lot of energy from my spiritual practices, though my practices are eclectic to say the least. Although even the thought of labels chafe my mind, I know it's time for me to come out of the broom closet again. I've come to the conclusion that I'm a solitary pagan witch who operates on intuition with a variety of methods of connecting to spirit. Some of my beliefs and experiences flow into my fiction, but up until now, they've been only hinted at. This new blog on Patheos will be a new way for me to explore this aspect and will enable me to tell more stories about the world from my eyes.

Art by Daniel Mars

If you'd like to keep in touch, I'll be doing full-platform links from my facebook and twitter accounts. I'll be keeping this 'Blogger blog' for my fiction writing announcements / rants, and my youtube channel will be about writing fiction and my books. As always, my Instagram will remain fluffy, fun stuff. Connect with me at any / all of those sites for more content. I hope to see you around, one way or another. 

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